Saturday, August 29, 2009

The bunnies go NINJA!

Due to the opening of a Ninja Bunny Academy near the workshop, many of our bunnies have decided to enroll in the Academy and learn the art of being a... NINJA BUNNY.

The first batch of Ninja Bunnies were given their prestigious black uniform and as they rise up the ranks, the colour of their uniform changes! So feel free to ask for a colour you like and the Ninja Bunny Academy will see if they have any to spare!

Ninja Bunnies are committed, disciplined and they are ready to take hardship. Their red eyes show immense focus as they hunt down their carrots.

Once in awhile they like to form bunny towers to pass their time, and forming such towers require patience and determination to succeed.

If anyone of them fails to concentrate for a split second, the whole tower will come tumbling down!

Now you can take home a Ninja Bunny for SGD$5! Do include what colour you want them to be when making your order! If you would like a name or some text to be stitched on your Ninja Bunny, you can tell us too and the Ninja Bunny Academy will be happy to do it for you at NO extra cost!

May the Ninja be with you~

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Zombie Bunny...says HI

I guess someone saw the picture of the bigger bunny and liked it and requested for the same theme on a smaller bunny. Could such things be done? Of course it caaaaan.

I even chose HUGE eyes for it! I guess it will allow him to see far far away!

The Zombie Bunny has been through some pretty rough times and hes missing some organs though. I think he lost his right kidney and punctured his left lung!

Would you provide him with a loving home? Hahaha.

Hes got whacked pretty hard on the back of his head too! Not to forget he nearly got slashed on the butt!

He will also cost SGD$5, but your copy of the Zombie Bunny may come with different injuries!

On another note, I wish all those who are taking their prelims good luck! Don't take the prelims lightly!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ferrero Rocher Bouquet!

Have you ever seen a bouquet of Ferrero Rochers but do not know where to buy it? Now you can order one from Stuffed It too!

Well I am not the one preparing these awesome bouquets, but just the one helping to sell it. Its my aunt who has the skill to prepare them!

Above is a bouquet of one dozen Ferrero Rochers, wrapped just like a bouquet of flowers! Fresh flowers wilt over time, but you definitely will not see this bouquet wilting!

Other colours are also available, so do include what colour you want yours to be!

Half-dozen bouquets are also available, perhaps it will be the 'in' thing to have a hand bouquet of Ferrero Rochers for brides next time?

You can also buy them as a single stalk, perhaps as a Teachers' Day present?

A bouquet with a dozen Ferrero Rochers will cost SGD$50, a half dozen bouquet will cost SGD$30, and a single stalk will cost SGD$5. Prices shown are not inclusive of delivery charges, you will have to collect it from us on your own.

A sweet gift for any occasion!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Got an urgent order yesterday due on Monday for a pig plush to be done! So LUCKILY I had the correct colours and just enough stuffing to make the pig fat and cuddly.

You know I have been looking around at some other pig plushes and i found out that almost all have a standard shaped nose! Haha! An oval with two nostrils!

The back of the pig comes with the recipient's name, do you people know him?

Gotta buy another bag of stuffing soon!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mummies and Daddies

Recently I got a particularly 'Colourful' order! Some of my classmates have ordered a few plushes for their parents' birthdays, and you can sneak a peek at it before they do with the pictures below!

Hmm sometimes I wonder how many of you do buy gifts for your parents? Or is it just the other way round? Hahaha anyway I guess we must all appreciate that they have been nurturing us while we were young, and in the future its our turn to repay them!

I sure hope their parents will like their gifts!

Monday, August 3, 2009


Presenting our first pair of TWINS! They are made from the same piece of felt, same roll of ribbon and the same packet of stuffing, so....we can consider them twins right?

Oh! In case you noticed why the twins have different eye colour, its because they are not identical twins, and the difference in eye colour is due to.....okay I dont think its good to type the chapter on Heredity here, hahaha!

Do you know this pair of twins have a sister too? Her name is...well we will let the owner of her decide, I'll just show you a photo of her!

"Three or more if you can afford."